Volume 3
2022 Newsletters

Winter 2022
Volume 3 | Issue 1
In this issue, we share information about the TruChoice program, the chemical shortage some growers may face, and factors that may affect decisions regarding crop rotation. Our Agronomy Q&A section, answered by Pioneer Field Agronomist Nick Monnig, discusses nitrogen. Specifically, it discusses nitrogen stabilizers, N-Serve vs. NZONE, and whether or not we've lost any fall-applied nitrogen from the abnormally warm November & December. To read this issue, click on the newsletter icon.
Spring 2022
Volume 3 | Issue 2
In this issue, we share information about the new A-series EnlistE3 soybeans, cold stress on corn, and spring anhydrous applications. We also share details about our soybean seed treatment offerings and ways to help manage Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) in soybeans. To read this issue, click on the newsletter icon.
Summer 2022
Volume 3 | Issue 3
In this issue, we share information about the Granular Insights App, Fungicide Decision and Timing, Japanese Beetles, and other summer reminders. Our Agronomist Q&A Section features Pioneer Field Agronomist, Jaime Farmer, who answers questions regarding the hot and dry weather we've seen so far this growing season in West Central Missouri. We also list the planting details for our local corn and soybean plots. To read this issue, click on the newsletter icon.
Fall 2022
Volume 3 | Issue 4
In this issue, we share the most recent information about Tar Spot of corn, recap the growing season and share harvest updates and plot data. Our Agronomist Q&A Section features Pioneer Field Agronomist, Jaime Farmer, who answers a question about herbicide carryover. We also share information about how to save money on your Corteva chemical by utilizing the TruChoice Program. To read this issue, click on the newsletter icon.