Volume 4
2023 Newsletters

Winter 2023
Volume 4 | Issue 1
In this issue, we share recent research about achieving 100 bu/ac in soybeans and provide a list of Pioneer's agronomic resources. Our Agronomy Q&A section, answered by Pioneer Field Agronomist Jami Deters, discusses the ever growing space of biologicals in agriculture. To read this issue, click on the newsletter icon.
Spring 2023
Volume 4 | Issue 2
In this issue, we share many updates and reminders for the spring season. Inside, this issue takes a look at corn nematode and the effect that seed orientation at planting has on corn. Our agronomist, Jaime Farmer, also provides advice and management tips for the local wheat crop. To read this issue, click on the newsletter icon.
Summer 2023
Volume 4 | Issue 3
In this issue, we share many updates and reminders for the summer growing season and provide a sneak peak of the topics that will be covered at the Miami Field Day. We also take time to discuss some of the reasons for uneven corn fields this year and the effects of early early season drought on the corn and soybean crop. To read this issue, click on the newsletter icon.
Fall 2023
Volume 4 | Issue 4
Lots of exciting news in this issue! First, we share about the latest addition to our family and the announcement of the new Z-Series soybeans lineup. Inside, we share the results of our plots from this year, and list the Knipmeyer Seed Scholarship Winners. We also touch on the TruChoice Chemical Program. To read this issue, click on the newsletter icon.