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We're proud to offer digital tools that utilize data to drive more informed decisions for your operations.
Field Planning
During winter months, we sit down with customers to plan for planting season by placing products field by field, ensuring the right product is on the right acre. This aids in a smooth planting season with more efficient use of time and less confusion. Our customers know where their Pioneer seed products need to go, so they can spend more time planting and less time planning for the next field.


As-Planted & Harvest Mapping
After planting and harvest, we upload as-planted and harvest data from customers' monitors into our Field360 mapping program. These maps are a great visual tool to help understand what's going on in the field. What product or field area yielded the most? Which yielded the least? The real value comes in combining the colors of the map with your knowledge of the field to answer the “why” question. Are there any patterns that were surprising? If so, we must ask what happened to cause those patterns. Maps are a beneficial part of operation and specific field decision making to help maximize profits.
Yield monitors estimate yield based on several factors in a field (weight, moisture, etc). But why calibrate monitors if farmers get paid out on what’s actually delivered to the elevator? Simply put, “garbage in = garbage out”. Good yield estimates help produce beneficial data for the farmer. A calibrated monitor will help produce accurate yield maps at the conclusion of harvest. Common uses for yield monitor data include comparisons of one field to another, one specific spot in a field to another, one hybrid's performance to another, and experimental treatments in on-farm field trials.
Threat ID
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